Sunday, February 8, 2009

Cereal and the jumperoo already!!!!!!

Wow...time is just flying by! Boedy has already started eating cereal!!! I am giving it to him one week earlier than I am supposed too! He just loves it...I am not at all suprised though considering he has always had a love for milk thus far! We finally had a doctors appointment too....with the holidays and everything that had gone on...we kinda let the two month appointment slip! Boedy weighs a whopping 13 pounds exactly! He is just our little solid beefcake! He NEVER sits cracks me up because he is always bouncing all over the place...he has never once just fallen asleep on my shoulder like most babies do! So jerett decided to put him in the jumperoo ....and I couldn't believe it...he was just bouncing all over the much so that I had to read on the internet just to make sure it was ok at this age...for some reason I thought it is supposed to be a toy for 6 months and up! Most posts on the comments from babies r us were 4 months and that made me feel better...he is very strong! He already rolls over from front to back..which I thought was normal ...but apparently the doctor said that it is quite young! Watch out...I think I am going to have a very busy baby in the future!!! What can I say..he's our little chunky monkey!

Ethan is doing well too...he had his first report card from school! They get graded on a 1,2, and 3 scale.... 1 = I can, 2 = I am trying , and 3 needs improvement! He had 1's and 2's mixed accross the board and two 3's...
this is what his 1st report card read:

1 = Depends upon self, shows courtesy and consideration for others, obeys class rules,knows first and last name, works quietly and shares(we were shocked at that one!)

2= plays and works well with others, follows directions, developing hand eye cordination, meets people with unusual shyness, colors with control, does work carefully and neatly, communicates ideas

div>3= recognizes colors and works with scissors

We are so proud of him and know he works really hard in school...I almost wish it were 3 days a week because he loves it so much! We already had sign ups for next year and he will be attending the same age group and school...exciting!

Here are some video's and pictures of the boys!!!

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